Saturday, March 30, 2013

Encountering Atheism

How do you Encounter Atheism?

Today, I started to wonder about atheism. I thought about the reasons for it
and why it is so easy to fall into. While I was thinking I came up with the question, "How does a good Christian respond to atheism?" I researched it, and I found some good advice. The most important thing to remember is that we are to love everyone, including atheists. This being said, the atheists are not to be insulted and rejected by us, but comforted by our faith. Never assume that an atheist doesn't believe in God because of personal trauma, but that they simply have not seen enough to proof to validate his existence in their eyes.This being said, politely remind them of why you believe in God. If you don't have any, find some. They are just as helpful to your own faith as they are to the faith of others. One of my favorites is to examine the soul. To realize that you must be more than a bundle of elements and chemical bonds. To realize that you are more than a body but a soul leads you to believe in the spiritual, and therefore believe in God. I'm Going to expand on this Idea in my next post

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Finding Christ in little things

Us as people seek understanding for Christ in a natural way. We have to understand that Christ is visible to us in a supernatural way and in things visible to us, we just have to put forth the effort to look for them and try to understand. Lets use Original Sin as an Example. Most people try to find the reason why we have Sin and try to find out why we are affected by our very first generation. Original Sin is not God's way to punish us for our fore fathers mistakes. It is something that has been stained on us, my favorite example is the million $ example. In the million $ example, a man from 100 years ago one say comes to offer your great grandfather a million $$$ but your great grandfather turns the money and the man says okay and walks away. This decline of this offer will forever affect the following generations because they all could have been a million $$$ richer.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Where do we start?

Where do we start?

When do we decide that we want to live a life in the model of Christ? When did the pope first decide he wanted to be a holy man? When do any of us sit down and say "ya know what, today is the day I become a more holy person?" I don't think we ever do. I think that we're all called to it but only realize it long after we have already begun responding. I believe that the first step is the most subtle one. Helping someone pick up something they dropped, smiling, laughing with someone - these are things that come so naturally we often don't realize that by doing so we are starting on our journey towards God. It is wonderful to take enjoyment out of things like helping others and living truthfully. But once we realize that we are doing it for God, it becomes all the more powerful for us. We start to realize that there is goodness and purpose in everything we do. Knowing this, our journey has begun.


Hello and welcome to our blog. Everyday Faith is a rarely thought about but an important part of Christian life. Its about the little things. The way we act, how we think and interact with other people and how they relate to the most important thing of all, our religon. We don't often stop and think about how something like saying hello to someone or writing an english paper relates to our faith. But in this blog, we will try to look at the true meaning of everything we do as it applies to the Christian faith. Especially the little things. After all, if we want to become a more holy people, we have to start from the bottom.