Thursday, March 28, 2013

Finding Christ in little things

Us as people seek understanding for Christ in a natural way. We have to understand that Christ is visible to us in a supernatural way and in things visible to us, we just have to put forth the effort to look for them and try to understand. Lets use Original Sin as an Example. Most people try to find the reason why we have Sin and try to find out why we are affected by our very first generation. Original Sin is not God's way to punish us for our fore fathers mistakes. It is something that has been stained on us, my favorite example is the million $ example. In the million $ example, a man from 100 years ago one say comes to offer your great grandfather a million $$$ but your great grandfather turns the money and the man says okay and walks away. This decline of this offer will forever affect the following generations because they all could have been a million $$$ richer.

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