Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hello and welcome to our blog. Everyday Faith is a rarely thought about but an important part of Christian life. Its about the little things. The way we act, how we think and interact with other people and how they relate to the most important thing of all, our religon. We don't often stop and think about how something like saying hello to someone or writing an english paper relates to our faith. But in this blog, we will try to look at the true meaning of everything we do as it applies to the Christian faith. Especially the little things. After all, if we want to become a more holy people, we have to start from the bottom.

1 comment:

  1. This website has given the average joe a chance to be something more, something they had always strived for, through thick or thin, good health or bad. That is why you have made this website, to give what belongs to the people, back to the people. My entire life, I dreamed of being a part of something bigger than myself, and this place has granted me an opportunity to do just that, and for that I thank you all.
