Sunday, May 12, 2013


The sacraments were given to us for 3 reasons:

  • To sanctify man
  • To build up the Body of Christ
  • To worship God

Through these Sacraments helps us to grow in our faith and to grow closer to God. Why sacraments though? God instituted Sacraments because this is his way of dispensing his Grace to us. I will be talking about one sacrament in particular which is the sacrament of Baptism.
I want to talk about Baptism because our teacher just had a baby and went or will be reviving this Sacrament. We see Jesus get baptized by St. John at the beginning of his public ministry, this wasn't an efficacious or a sacramental Baptism. This merely symbolized the recipient's desire to live more variously. Sacramental Baptism is a voluntary act of a person indicating his or her repentance from sin. Baptism normally takes place at birth. A priest will take holy water and pour it over the head of the baby. The water symbolizes the Holy water washing away our sins.

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