Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All Are Welcome

What did I get out of Cardinal Dolan's article

Well, a lot. It was very well written and offered a point of very that is very applicable to the modern world. who does the Church accept? If the answer is everyone, than doesn't that mean the church accepts sin?

What follows was this article's answer to the above questions.

The Church accepts everyone. It loves and respects every single human being. HOWEVER, that does not mean that the church will accept and approve of the actions of every one of its members. Its not much more complicated than that. The church will and is made to love every human being. But Christ's Church, the very church of God, cannot condone sin without losing its very identity. Cardinal Dolan compared story from his childhood with this concept. He spoke of one of his friends who was allowed to have dinner with his family under the condition that he wash his hands, Just as any person is a friend of the church who may be a true productive part of it only if they conform to certain expectations set by the church. This does not mean that sinners are kicked out of the Church. If that were true, we would have an empty church. Rather, it means that if one is to truly take part in the Church in a meaningful way, this person must do everything in his or her power to abide to its rules and expectations, which are in turn, ultimately set by God.

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