Saturday, April 27, 2013

Time Mangament

What does our religon tell us about how to spend our time?

Today has been a busy day for me. I got up at 7:00 and didnt get home until about an hour ago. I did all sorts of thing like taking a Chemistry test at University of Houston and building flowerbeds as part of a friend's Eagle Project. In reflection of all this I started to wonder. Does God approve? Does The Catholic Church approve of hard work? Does it cloud our priorities or speed us too them faster? This is what I have come to.

It depends on what you are working towards. hard work goes in one of two directions, for better or for worse. Mother Teresa spend her whole life working hard to help the poor. Hitler, on the other hand, worked tirelessly for the extermination of an entire people. Needless to say, hard work is not inherently and always good because it depends on what a person is working for. Granted that as long as ones goals are focused towards the greater glory of God in one way or another, any work done towards that goal should be good as well.

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