Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Gave Blood Today

Why did I do that?

Well, first off all, it allowed me to get away with eating Ms. Riojas' class afterwards, which is a win, but mostly because I felt like I should. People need blood, that's why we have blood drives. For a blood drive to work, people need to sign up. The whole thing can exist because people are willing to give up their time and organic property for the good of another. How do we relate this to God in our everyday lives? Simple. God calls us to sacrifice ourselves for the good of each other. I wrote an entire post about the same concept a week ago, but here is an example of following through with it. Giving Blood. Its not hard, and I'm not exactly sacrificing my life, but I might be saving someone else's. I sacrificed a small part of me for the whole of another. I might be drifting away from modesty here a little bit but I don't mean to brag, I mean to make a point: Its not hard to make all the difference in the world for another person. And who knows, maybe you'll need a blood transfusion yourself one day.

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