Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Catholic and Protestant

The source of Catholics knowledge of religion would have to start with sacred scripture and tradition. At the time of Jesus, so much was happening and changing because of Jesus, all of the information couldn't be retained. So what happen was that Christ told the Apostles all that they needed to know and they wrote in down on the new testament. We continue to learn about these teachings in Mass.

The protestant's knowledge of religion comes from an interrelated series of schisms that took place from 1517 - 1648. In 1517, Martin Luther began publishing criticism against the sales of Indulgences, which are a means for the faithful to obtain remission from the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. It is important to remember that even before the time of the Reformation, there was a growing tension between these rising nation-states and the Church as rulers wished to consolidates control of the local Churches under their own power.

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