Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Apostolic Marks

The four marks of the Church:

  • One- is of foundational importance for understanding the other three. When we say that the Church is one, we are saying that we acknowledge the uniqueness and singularity of the Church. We recognize that we only have one God and that we believe Jesus has instituted One Church. One also represents unity and Church is all about that. The Church doesn't separate its people and put others before one another. The Church believes that we are on Body, like a unit.
  • Holy- received from Christ her founder through the indwelling of the H.S. Christ sanctifies the Church and fills her with his grace so completely that she becomes sanctifying herself. It is the Church's goal to bring glory to God. The Church is also Holy in the means that she has been given to bring all men into communion with God.
  • Catholic- the word, "Catholic" typically is used today as a denominational term, much like Baptist. This indicates that Catholic is referring to something in specific, such as a limited group of Catholics but this gives a false representation. Catholic comes from a Greek word katholikos, meaning "universal." The Church is said to be Catholic in a way to where she is whole and complete. The other way being that she receives universal authority from Christ to fulfil her universal mission.
  • Apostolic- The fourth mark of the Church, indicating that the Church was founded by Christ and given to the Apostles. The Church is Apostolic in three ways; It has an Apostolic foundation, having been built and remaining on the foundation of the Apostles; it has Apostolic Faith, because she guards and transmits the teachings of the Apostles with the help of the Holy Spirit who dwells in her; and it has an Apostolic succession because she continues to be taught, sanctified, and directed by the Apostles in the persons of their successors in the pastoral ministry; the College of Bishops, presided over by St. Peter’s successor, the Pope.


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