Sunday, May 19, 2013

Man fully alive

What it means to be man fully alive... This question have gone beyond this past semester but even into first semester and I have spent a lot of time putting this together and cutting things out and this is what I believe man fully alive is..

Man fully alive is Christ, most people say that it is impossible to be Christ and they would be right but God doesn't want us to be Christ, he wants us to be like him. God wants us to get in the morning "God I love you and live to spread your name'' and after eating a healthy breakfast, he would want us to go out, wherever it may be, and spread the word of God. God doesn't expect us to all become Pope, he just wants us to love him the same way he loves us. I believe a great example of this is Mr. Cole.

Mr. Cole is and has been a married man for quite a while now and he recently just had a kid. Him being a father now has not affected his faith in any negative way in fact I believe that his faith has grown. Mr. Cole has always taught theology in a encouraging manner and what I mean By that is everyday we talk about theology, it is as if it is not even his job to do so, I can really tell that he loves teaching theology and teaches it as if Jesus was in the class with us. Although his voice can put a crying baby to sleep, he never falls short of enthusiasm. Ever since he found out he was going to have a child, he has been trying new things for us to learn about Catholicism. He takes us in the computer lab now for religious debates, we write blogs now, and we use a system now that gives us little in class award points when we do something good. This is why I see Mr. Cole as man fully alive, he goes beyond a teaches expectations and tries a variety of different ways on us so that we can learn about God.

In conclusion, I know that we would all mess around with this question but I would like to say that Mr. Cole is the best representation I can think of what man fully alive should be.

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